'At One Fell Swoop I Dreamed Myself into Drifting Cities' - by Nikola Gocić

'At One Fell Swoop I Dreamed Myself into Drifting Cities' - by Nikola Gocić features at EFS Publications.

"... the Vagabond of Experimental Film Society Michael Higgins, it is pretty easy to dream yourself into their frames (and get lost out there), to paraphrase the most sincere line of Drifting Cities (2017), especially if you are a sucker for the flickering textures of decaying analog media. However, what poses as a challenge is the process of dreaming yourself out of them, and then finding the right words to describe the phantasmagoric experience as accurately (or rather, poetically) as possible. In that regard, the following text is a modest attempt at re-dreaming two of Higgins’s longest pieces – At One Fell Swoop (2015) and his latest, abovementioned feature."
